Betwyll at the Sweden Demo Day

Sweden Demo Day
Sweden Demo Day

A further step in our Northern Europe outreach: the Sweden Demo Day

On 4 April we attended the Sweden Demo Day, the largest event for startups, investors and companies of the digital realms in Sweden. We were among the over 600 startups that had the chance to present themselves to over 3.000 sector representatives with the brown paper pitch typical of this format.

This peculiar requirement inspires creativity and informality in the participants, thus easing the interaction with the public and the intersection between offer and demand for jobs and investments in innovation. A simple and effective matchmaking, typical of the Nordic style.

Betwyll in Scandinavia

Our participation to the Sweden Demo Day results from our collaboration with the Creative Business Cup, which Betwyll won in Italy in 2017, being shortlisted among the 12 best startups worldwide at the global finals in Copenaghen. Along with us, the Creative Business Cup was represented at the Sweden Demo Day by Islandic startup Genkiinstruments.

Betwyll’s outreach in Sweden has grown around Netport Science Park in the Blekinge region with two social reading pilots. The former involved Gymnasieskolan Knut Hahn in Ronneby. The latter, Sternoskolan in Karlshamn and Hobyskolan in Bräkne-Hoby.

For Betwyll, Scandinavia represents the ideal ground to develop our social reading model. The acceleration program we started with xEdu in Helsinki in Spring 2019 proves it. The education system, the public libraries and the publishing sector there pay in fact specific attention to the future of reading and to education technology.

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