Sonia Mirigliano teaches Letters at Liceo G.B. Vico in Naples. Here’s how she’s working with her students on Pirandello’s Short Stories for a Year.
Social reading on Betwyll: sharing, immediacy, emotions
I discovered Betwyll one year ago. The reads suggested in these two years have excited both me and the students with whom… I read! The shared reading, the immediacy of the twylls, the emotions expressed in a few words made me adopt this social way of reading with the will to put myself to the test every day.
The Pearson-Betwyll project immediately appeared to me as an unmissable opportunity to enjoy Pirandello with my 9th and 10th grades. Pirandello is easily readable also by students who did not have the chance to approach the classics of our literature in junior high school. The social element of the project of course intrigues them and encourages debate.
The work in class and on the app
Our reading follows the calendar suggested by project (a short story a week). My students start “twylling” with me within a time constraint we previously set. Then, at home or wherever they want, they’ll have the time to exchange their views with the other readers. And also to further express the immediate emotion of the reading they’ve already “twylled” in class.
In the Pearson-Betwyll project the short stories are accompanied by specific didactic prompts. This gives me the chance to have my students practicing on the text and its analysis. In the future, it would be interesting to complement these prompts with activities supporting students with learning and/or reading difficulties, so as to foster increasingly inclusive didactics.
The assessment
I don’t necessarily plan to have a final written test at the end of the reading activities with the students to assess synthesis, comprehension and analysis of one of the short stories read or others of their choice. At regular intervals, however, I listen to the students orally sharing what they understood of the scheduled texts.

Sonia Mirigliano
I’m Sonia Mirigliano and I teach Letters at Liceo G.B. Vico in Naples. I’m enthusiastic about life and all it offers… every moment is an experience! Just as this app and the many things that have been transforming my way of teaching! I love this job and the dreams it urges us to fulfill with the students we meet along the way.