reading + motivation = learning

Make your students fall in love with reading

Betwyll makes reading an active, engaging and constructive experience, integrating traditional teaching with the most virtuous dynamics of social networking.

On Betwyll students are invited to contribute to reading by sharing their views and engaging with their peers in a dedicated, informal and safe environment. Reading together on Betwyll is a training in listening: to the text, to oneself and to others. But also in expressing one’s ideas and feelings. Pushed by this challenge, it becomes natural for them to dive into the text in the search of its deepest meanings and comment on it. The conversations that arise are a continuous drive for a deeper understanding: this exchange turns reading into a tool for knowledge. 

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Interactions within the text for a new learning style

On Betwyll the text turns into a space for dialogue, in-depth analysis, active participation thanks to the possibility of commenting on the reading with classmates and other students in real-time.

Project library

Choose what to read with your students from our catalogue.

Customized learning materials

Upload your own content and design projects tailored to your class.

Class under control

Create a private group for your class and interact with your students.

Edication Alliance Finland 2021

Betwyll’s pedagogical quality was certified by Education Alliance Finland, the main certifier of edtech solutions in the world. 

Already piloted by

Betwyll as a case study

Read the following academic papers about us:

Iuri Moscardi (2024)

Betwyll: A Digital Social Reading Tool

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Federico Pianzola (2021)

Readers’ engagement through digital social reading on Twitter: the TwLetteratura case study

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Paolo Costa (2017)

#letturasenzafine. Il futuro del testo nell’era social (Egea)

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