xEdu 2019 Spring cohort: Sindyan Educational Media

Sindyan Educational Media Siba Al Shouli
Sindyan Educational Media Siba Al Shouli

Siba Al Shouli, Co-founder and General Manager of Sindyan, introduces her startup and the EdTech market in Dubai. 

Hi, I’m Siba Al Shouli, I’m from Palestine and I’m Co-founder and General Manager of Sindyan. I have a Masters in Urban and Regional Planning. I’ve been working as a Project Manager for most of my career. We founded Sindyan Educational Media, our startup based in Dubai, and we produce an edutainment app, called the STEM Buddies, for kids in Arabic and in English.

Sindyan Educational Media Siba Al Shouli

Why did you found your startup?

While looking for digital scientific content in Arabic for our children one day, we noticed that it was scarce. We researched the topic further and learned shocking statistics about the status of education in the Arab world. So, we decided to take action and help by creating high-quality digital content not only for our children, but also for children around the world.

What is the status of the EdTech market in your country?

When it comes to children’s, it’s not well developed. It’s an opportunity for us, though. Most solutions are focused on literacy and some on numeracy but not many address science and technology.

Are you enjoying xEdu’s acceleration program?

Yes, for sure. First and foremost, we got to meet incredibly talented people. And second, we hope it brings our project to the next level. We are very excited.

What do you expect for 2019?

To reach our first 1 million users and become one of the highest ranking apps in the Region. Also, we want every child to experience the joy of learning through and with the STEM Buddies.

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