Betwyll at Didacta

Didacta, the most important education trade fair is back to Florence: see you in the startup area from 18 to 20 October.

From Thursday 18 to Saturday 20 October Fortezza da Basso in Florence is hosting the second Italian edition of Didacta, the world’s leading fair in the education sector: three days of training and workshops for teachers and students, but also for schools, associations and companies to meet and share views on the future of education and didactics.

Among the changes of this edition, a section dedicated to startups and innovation, managed in collaboration with the main national incubators and the University of Florence (through its  Foundation for research and innovation and its Services Centre for the enhancement of research and the management of the University incubator).

It’s here, in the startup area, that you will find Betwyll stand: an occasion to meet in person, find out how to make the best use of the app in class and share your experience. Besides being present with a stand for the entire duration of the fair, on Friday 30, at 11 am we will present the app and the collaboration with Pearson for the year 2018/2019 to the public. See you there!

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