xEdu 2019 Spring cohort: Chartipedia

Chartipedia - Jeff Ko
Chartipedia - Jeff Ko

In this video-interview Jeff Ko, Chartipedia founder, introduces his startup based in Hong Kong.

chartipedia jeff ko hong kong xedu
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Hi my name is Jeff. I’m the founder of Chartipedia, a global chart community for knowledge sharing. What we do is to transform key insights from credible data into simple visualizations.

Why did you found your startup?

A little bit started from my own STEER analysis of the private banking one year ago, trying to summarize key ideas to my clients from tons of new research reports and articles – and I think it’s the same for everyone of us, because we got tons of information every day, like the news articles and social media posts. At Chartipedia we want to bring simple, credible and inspirational visualizations to everyone, because we think a chart speaks more than a thousand words.

Are you enjoying xEdu’s acceleration program?

Right now here I am in Helsinki, joining the xEdu acceleration program, and I truly appreciate the opportunity to learn from the Finnish way about education and all the startups here. I hope we’re all having a great journey here together. Last but not least, follow our Instagram and try to have a taste of our charts!

chartipedia jeff ko hong kong xedu

Jeff Ko

Chartipedia founder

I am a lymphoma survivor. After recovery, I received my Bachelor degree of Economics and Finance at the University of Hong Kong. I worked at BNP Paribas Investment Partners and J.P. Morgan Private Bank, which enlightened me as to the idea of innovation and visualization. To follow my motto “Be the change you want to see”, I quit my job and founded Chartipedia with a vision to create a global chart community for knowledge sharing.

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