Betwyll at GESAwards


Our startup is the winner of the Italian Global EdTech Startup Awards semifinals: another prestigious acknowledgement from the EdTech community.

After having been shortlisted for Best Educational App at Reimagine Education 2020, Betwyll won the Italian semifinals of GESAwards, the main EdTech startup competition in the world.

The announcement was given by Wonderful Education, GESAwards’ Italian partner with FEM – Future Education Modena. Betwyll was selected among 10 shortlisted startups based on various criteria such as pedagogical approach, educational relevance, growth potential and user experience. The evaluation was carried out by a group of outstanding professionals from the venture investing and didactical innovation sector in Italy.

The 15 finalists will have the chance to pitch at GESAwards finals, hosted at BETT Show Arena in London next 23 January, and be crowned the Most Promising Startup of 2019.

The GESAwards are the main EdTech startup competition in the world, with over 3,500 startups applying from across the globe since 2014. GESAwards are promoted by Mindcet, a centre for innovation and technological development in education based in Tel Aviv, and co-founded by Open Education Challenge and EdTech UK.

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