Betwyll at Reimagine Education Awards

Reimagine Education
Reimagine Education

Betwyll was shortlisted for the Educational App Award at Reimagine Education 2019, the “Oscars of Education”.

Betwyll is officially in the 2019 Reimagine Education shortlist for the Best Educational App. We were selected among over 1.500 applications from 39 countries to pitch at the Reimagine Education Conference in London on 9 December 2019. This year’s process was the most competitive in the Reimagine Education history, which testifies the excellence of our work.

Reimagine Education is a global conference and competition bringing together educators and teachers, EdTech startups, universities, investors, and all those who are transforming education. Its awards are known as the “Oscars of Education” and we are really honoured to have the chance to compete at such a prestigious global event.

The conference will take place in London from 8 to 10 December 2019, with over 80 sessions including workshops, panels and hackathons.

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